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Healthcare Education

Health Education


Angel foundation emphasis on education for health, as we believe “Prevention always better than cure”, With this credo we are in continuous undertaking awareness sessions and giving training to school teacher ,students, communities for improving their own lifestyle and families.


Why Health Education is Important. ???

Health education build students’ knowledge, skills, and optimistic attitudes about health. Health education clarifies about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It encourages students to improve and maintain their health, prevent disease, and decrease risky behaviors.

Health education programs and teaching help students learn skills they will use to make healthy choices throughout their lifetime. Effective prospectuses result in positive changes in behavior that lower student risks around:

alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, injury anticipation, mental and emotional health, nutrition, physical activity, avoidance of diseases and sexuality and family life.

Health education helps learning in other subjects! One study presented that reading and math scores of third and fourth grade students who received comprehensive health education were expressively higher than those who did not. In general, healthy students learn better. Many studies have exposed that healthier students lean towards to do better in school. They have higher presence, have better marks, and perform.



















HealthcareCommunity Out Reach



India has made rapid steps in the health sector since independence. However, many eye opening data from NFHS clearly specify that access to healthcare still remains a challenge.

Although the health statistics of rural India continue to be poor, the health status and access to health for the poor in urban slum dwellers has surfaced to be equally deplorable and have less than 5% of government primary healthcare facilities.

City slum people suffer from adverse health conditions due to mainly two reasons –first the lack of education and thus lack of awareness. Healthcare for poor, which is a desperate need, thus remains unaddressed.

The need of the hour is thus a two divided approach – first to bring quality healthcare services to doorsteps of the needy and second to promote healthcare awareness and current healthcare seeking behavior among the underprivileged.

Angel foundation is providing healthcare to needy people with his unique health checkup camps and awaking about government driven healthcare policies and their benefit to themselves, their families & community.